Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Share Jesus Without Fear

I recently heard Bill Fay, author of Share Jesus Without Fear interviewed on the radio. I was very impressed with what he had to say. If you'd like to listen, his website has a great audio download that offers some excellent tips on sharing the Gospel.

I especially liked his emphasis on asking questions and listening rather than just preaching or arguing. "Loving someone means listening to what they have to say". Fay's approach is to transition a conversation to the Gospel simply by asking questions. Not to give too much away, the five questions are....

1. Do you have any kind of spiritual belief?
2. To you, who is Jesus?
3. Do you think there is a heaven or hell?
4. If you died today, where would you go? If heaven, why would God let you in?
5. By the way, if what you are believing is not true, would you want to know?

Another thing I like is that Fay lets Scripture do the talking. He carries a small Bible, and once he has an opening in the conversation he simply flips to gospel passages and has the listener read them aloud. "My job is to point them to the Scriptures and get out of the Holy Spirit's way". I like that. It takes away a lot of the pressure to feel like I have to know all the answers.

To get the full impact of Fay's teaching, give it a listen.


Blogger One of Freedom said...

"I especially liked his emphasis on asking questions and listening rather than just preaching or arguing. "Loving someone means listening to what they have to say"."

Oh I so like that too. One of the values we've instilled in people is earning the right to speak into lives. I think too many people assume they have a right to speak into the lives of people around them - and really they don't. I mean if someone comes up and the first interaction I have with them is that they tell me I am wrong - well the conversation might be polite but it will be short and it will be discarded. Some people are more honest than I and don't bother being nice about it. But when you have been in someones life a while and they know you aren't just trying to score another convert - then you have great liberties to discuss the Good News with them. You can also earn that right by being consistant in your witness - if you street preach, go to the same place all the time, build relationships with the folks who live around there, give generously, live the Gospel. It will speak volumes and open up ears for you. The key is to be living Good News - or as we call it these days: Good Advertising for God.


9:19 AM  

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