Friday, February 17, 2006

Swimming Lessons

Evangelism is like swimming. There is only so much a person can learn on dry land. The real training begins when you jump in the water.

Have you put your toe in the water yet? Yes, sharing the gospel is scary. And yes, you might make some mistakes. But mistakes will keep up humble and dependant on the Lord, for "God gives grace to the humble" (James 4:6). Jesus calls us to be fishers of men, and he is ultimately the one who will bring the fish into our nets when the time is right. But we can't catch any fish standing on shore.

Pray for God to give you the courage to open your mouth and speak to someone about their salvation. Or, if that is too much, try leaving a tract in a grocery cart or a bathroom stall. But do something. Jesus can take even the smallest offering and multiply it to feed thousands.


Blogger One of Freedom said...

Other suggestions would be make a friend and pray for them all the time. Be in the world (not of it mind you) where the lost are - I love that insight that you can't catch fish way up on shore, you also can't catch fish stuck in a church all the time so get out there just like Jesus did. Do something really kind for someone, maybe even someone you know and if they ask you tell them you are just trying to show them God's love (you'd be amazed at how this opens doors). Host a games night (something like Settlers of Catan) and invite Christians and non-Christians and watch for those God moments when doors open in hearts and conversations.

You are so right Cedric - you can't win anyone by doing nothing, but there are plenty of easy somethings we can all be doing to bring Christ to the world.

11:57 AM  

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