Saturday, January 28, 2006

End of the Spear

I must confess, I was skeptical about this movie. But my wife and I went last night, and I was blown away. Yes, the production values could have been better. But the power of the story more than makes up for it. Many Christian films either water down the Gospel on the one hand, or get over-the-top sappy on the other. End of the Spear does neither. Instead it presents a Christianity that is both authentic and powerful.

The characters (both the tribal villagers and the missionaries) were surprisingly human and real. The film drew me in to the world of a remote tribe trapped in a cycle of "revenge killings", and I was moved to see people lost in such spiritual darkness. I was also inspired by the five missionary families who were truly willing to pay any price to bring the light of the Gospel into such a scary place. It made me realize that when the gospel is not only preached but also lived, it has incredible power to transform hearts and lives, even turning enemies into friends.

Go see this movie!


Blogger Cedricstudio said...

Thanks for commenting, vencox. I'm well aware of the contraversy surrounding the film, but I'd rather keep this blog focused on evangelism. I am not happy with the choice of a gay actor to play the lead role. Nevertheless, the film is about Steve Saint, not the actor who played him. The story is still powerful no matter who is telling it.

9:46 PM  
Blogger Cedricstudio said...

Here is an excellent article by Randy Alcorn bringing some excellent insight to the whole "gay actor" controversy.

10:02 PM  
Blogger One of Freedom said...

I just realized this is a movie about Jim Elliot. Holy crap that will be awesome! Vencox you need to take a chill pill buddy, what kind of message does it send to boycot a movie with such amazing potential just because you have your panties in a knot over one of the actors personal life choices. Give me a break. And what kind of message does that send to the gay community that is continually marginalized by the most unChristlike segments of Christiandom.

1:56 PM  

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